fredag 20 september 2013

Backgrid and CouchDB changes

According to the Backgrid documentation, the way to save our Backbone models to the database is by building our models like:
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
  initialize: function () {
    Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
    this.on("change", function (model, options) {
      if (options && === false) return;;
That looks good at first, but will become a real problem if we use CouchDB and _changes to get real time data in our app. What happens is: We change our model -> it get persisted to Couch. Couch informs all listeners that a document has been changed, which meens that our Backgrid app will change the model, which in turn will trigger the change event in our model. Then: a new save to Couch and so forth. Can anybody spot an infinite loop? What we did instead was to have our models simple like this:
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
And then, in our view where we instansiate the grid, include the following.

var bg = new Backgrid.Grid({
    columns: gridColumns,
    collection: self.collection,
    footer: footer

    if(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(model.changed).length > 0){;

tisdag 17 september 2013

How to solve $.browser errors when using Backbone + CouchDB

We are building an application using Backbone + Marionette + Require, and decided to go for CouchDB as our backend. Since all we are doing in the backend is basic CRUD we beleive that going directly towards a Couch db will really speed things up.

It's really quite simple to set up, but there are some caveats that has to be resolved.

First of: The jquery-couch is using a $.browser function, which is really old and not existing in newer jQuery versions. To solve that, you can either rely on an jQuery version from the Jurassic period, or you can include the jquery-migrate.js

tisdag 27 augusti 2013

Jasmine test a require.js + backbone + marionette application

We are building an application using Backbone. And since just about everyone talks about using Require.js, this was an obvious thing to do. The application gets really neat, but it turns out that testing the application is a bit harder...

Just in case someone stumbles upon this, here is a small gist on how I did it:

måndag 29 april 2013

Porting a Java Spring Hibernate Maven application over to Grails - Part 1

If you want to learn to build an application from scratch, there are plenty of tutorials available online. But what if you are stuck with an existing Java application, how easy is it to port it over to Grails? If the existing application is using spring, maven and hibernate or JPA, it is actually quite easy. But before we start the porting, lets look at the Grails architecture compared to a "standard Java architecture":
As you can see, the architecture of Grails is quite similar to the one on the left (which is a Java + Spring MVC application I pulled from GitHub).
There are some small differences:
- Grails has no DAO-layer (What! No more DAO? That's the most fun of all the Java programming I do!)
- The Java application on the left hand side uses Maven to handle dependencies and building, Grails on the right handles dependencies and building on it's own (If you want, you can choose to continue to build with Maven, more on that later in this article).

The similarities makes the porting over to Grails pretty painless, hopefully we only have to place the files in the correct place according to the Grails conventions, and we're good to go.

Next up, part2

fredag 26 april 2013

Porting a Java Spring Hibernate Maven application over to Grails - Slides

Yesterday I gave a presentation at about how to port an existing java application over to Grails. This is the slides from that presentation.